World For Ukraine

The Roadmap to Freedom and Recovery


O Szczycie World for Ukraine

Fundacja World for Ukraine (W4UA) jest organizacją pozarządową, której głównym celem jest integracja i wspieranie wysiłków organizacji pozarządowych, instytucji rządowych i samorządowych, biznesu, mediów, think-tanków i osób prywatnych na rzecz narodu ukraińskiego. Fundacja corocznie organizuje Szczyt W4UA, który przyciąga wybitne głosy z Ukrainy i całego świata.

Szczyt W4UA w roku 2022 zgromadził w Rzeszowie ponad 1500 uczestników. Z liczbą ponad 100 partnerów instytucjonalnych, korporacyjnych i pozarządowych, to wydarzenie poruszyło ważne aspelty międzysektorowej współpracy w obliczu obecnego kryzysu na Ukrainie. Podczas ponad 40 dyskusji panelowych, prezentacji i warsztatów omówiono szereg pilnych tematów humanitarnych, społecznych i ekonomicznych. Wspólnie zwiększaliśmy świadomość na temat aktualnych potrzeb i dostarczaliśmy rozwiązań w ramach skuteczniejch dalszych działania.

Wydarzenie W4UA Summit 2023 jest symultanicznie tłumaczone na angielski, ukraiński i polski przez


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5 months ago

Art that conquers war🧑‍🎨👩🏻‍🎨At W4UA Summit 2023, the works of artists held a special place.🎨Participants had the opportunity to visit the emotional exhibition "SHARDS OF UNJUDGED CRIMES." The installation created on the basis of video testimonies and materials collected by the Rafał Lemkin Center (Instytut Pileckiego) for Documenting Russian Crimes in Ukraine, allowed the audience to read the shocking accounts of witnesses who experienced Russian captivity, torture, and carpet bombings leading to the complete destruction of the civilian infrastructure. What emerges from these testimonies is a picture in which brutality meets the defenselessness of the civilian population, deprived of all rights and conditions that would give them a chance to survive.🎞️ The award-winning documentary “FREEDOM ON FIRE: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom,” directed by Evgeny Afineevsky (New Generation Films) was presented during the evening gala. The film portrays the horrific realities of Russia’s war against Ukraine. It shows the harsh reality of the Russian invasion of Ukraine through the personal experience of Ukrainians.🎨The final part of the summit began with the unveiling of the composition "PILLARS OF RESISTANCE – Tribute to the Heroes of Ukraine."The exhibition is a symbol of the struggle, resilience, and unwavering love for Ukraine. Its purpose is to constantly remind the world of the indomitable spirit of Ukraine and its sons and daughters, as well as those who gave their lives so that we could live in a free and democratic country.#W4UA #W4UASummit2023 #W4UAFoundation #ArtThatUnites #TestimoniesOfWar See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

📣 W4UA Foundation’s delegation had an incredible opportunity to participate in the meeting organized by the Economic Council at the President of the city of Rzeszów (Rzeszów – stolica innowacji) today.This meeting was held as part of the "ALL 4 UKRAINE" program, in collaboration with several esteemed organizations such as the Podkarpackie Business Club (Podkarpacki Klub Biznesu), the National Chamber of Economy (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza), Business Centre Club, Konfederacja Lewiatan, Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce (Polsko-Ukraińska Izba Gospodarcza), and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Rzeszów. 📅 The meeting was held at the Urban Lab Rzeszów. It was a continuation of the Economic Round Table that occurred during the World for Ukraine Summit at the G2A Arena on September 29-30, 2023. Such gatherings are vital in our mission to create synergy amongst various entities involved in the reconstruction process of Ukraine. 🇺🇦The Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin, Oleh Kuts, shared valuable insights into the current state of the Ukrainian economy and the high demand for new investments. 📈The representatives from PAIH Ukraine provided information on the possibilities of investing in Ukraine for Polish entrepreneurs. 🇵🇱💼🇺🇦Over 30 representatives from various industries attended the meeting.🎯The main objectives of the "ALL 4 UKRAINE" program include exploring the potential of Subcarpathian companies in rebuilding Ukraine post-war, establishing relationships for joint projects, highlighting the crucial roles of entrepreneurs and local governments, and submitting an official application for companies to participate in the reconstruction process of Ukraine. 🏗️🤝We extend our sincere gratitude to the President of the city of Rzeszów Konrad Fijołek Prezydent Rzeszowa for the invitation, his commitment, and significant contribution to the reconstruction process of Ukraine. #W4UAFoundation #All4Ukraine #Rzeszow #ReconstructionProcess #Collaboration #Partnerships #Poland #Ukraine See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

📢📢📢Join us at an online training session hosted by the W4UA Foundation, in collaboration with the Code of Conduct signatory organizations: Ukraine Focus Global Empowerment Mission Let’s do it, Ukraine Project Nadiya – Rebuilding Homes, Hope and Stability in UkraineFuture for UkraineDATE AND TIME: 📆1st December 2023 ⏰3.00 PM CET (9.00 AM Washington DC time, 4.00 PM Kiyv time)🔗LINK TO ✨AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS:This follow-up training session is designed to enhance the impact of the Code of Conduct that was established during the World For Ukraine Summit. 🎯Our goal is to unite all stakeholders committed to promoting transparency and eradicating corrupt practices in Ukraine🇺🇦* Implementing the Code of Conduct at the level of each organization.* Ensuring transparent communication with donors.* Establishing accountability mechanisms in Ukraine.* Sharing best practices and strategies for strengthening NGO credibility.👋🏻We look forward to your participation!☝🏻Registered participants will receive the link to join the online meeting 2️⃣ days before the event.▶️More about the Code of Conduct: See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

🇺🇦 Today is a historic day for Ukraine 🇺🇦Ukraine commemorates the Day of Dignity and Freedom, marking the 10th anniversary of the Euromaidan uprising and the Revolution of Dignity. A decade ago, Ukraine made a resolute choice, embracing its European future. The nation stood together, united as one, and forever changed the course of Ukraine’s history. ✊🏻🙌🏻Today, as we reflect on these significant events, we honor the unparalleled courage and unwavering patriotism shown by Ukrainians. They fearlessly defended their democratic values, fought for their civil rights and freedoms, and aspired to live in a European state governed by the rule of law. And still continue to do so!🇺🇦🇪🇺#Ukraine #DayofDignityandFreedom #Euromaidan #RevolutionofDignity #Freedom #Dignity See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

👩‍💼 Ukrainian business is undergoing a remarkable transformation, shaped by the influence of war and the resilience of its people. Today, Ukraianian women are taking on diverse responsibilities, including entrepreneurship, and making their mark in the business world. 💪 🇺🇦🇵🇱At W4UA Summit we had a fascinating panel discussion about Ukrainian-Polish women in business. We were joined by 20 exceptional Ukrainian businesswomen who have been running successful ventures with unwavering determination. Their stories are truly inspiring! Adding to the enriching conversation, Polish entrepreneurs shared their experiences, discussing the challenges and triumphs they’ve encountered while developing complex ventures. 👏 This powerful exchange of ideas has become an inspiration for many and has received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Together, we believe that establishing business cooperation is a crucial way to support Ukraine today. And the good news is: the wheels of reconstruction are already turning! 🛠️🇺🇦🌐This incredible initiative, called #strefaua, was a mini project within the W4UA Summit 2023, organized by the TPU – Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Ukrainy and AXELO Prawo i Podatki. It was skillfully moderated by the fantastic Weronika Marczuk. She is an unstoppable force, being the founder and president of the International Embassy of Women Entrepreneurship in Ukraine, Vice-President of the Council of PUIG (Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce), President of the Board of the Friends of Ukraine Foundation, and Representative and Chief Coordinator for Poland at the International Aid Headquarters for Ukrainians. #w4ua #ukrainianbusiness #womeninbusiness #collaboration #inspiration #w4uasummit2023 #strefaua #polishenterpreneurs See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

W4UA representatives at the Rebuild Ukraine 2nd International Exhibition Conference, happening in Warsaw on November 14-15, 2023. 🇺🇦🇵🇱The goal of this exhibition and conference is to bring together governmental, international, and social entities to present offers for restoring and developing local establishments in Ukraine which were damaged during the war. With a focus on analytical research and strategic planning, the event will delve into the steps needed to rebuild private houses, municipal infrastructure, and manufacturing facilities. 🏠🏢ReBuild Ukraine 2023 is hosting a diverse range of participants, including international organizations, financial institutions, governmental representatives, partner cities, industry associations, and more.🤝Let’s rebuild and create a stronger Ukraine, hand in hand! 🇺🇦#w4ua #w4uafoundation #rebuildukraine2023 #buildingcommunities See MoreSee Less
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Pomoc humanitarna – Społeczeństwo – Gospodarka

Na wydarzeniu poruszone zostaną tematy humanitarne, społeczne i gospodarcze, odpowiadając zarówno na najpilniejsze obecne potrzeby pogrążonej w wojnie Ukrainy, jak i na długofalowe wyzwania.

Zakresy tematów obejmuje: pomoc uchodźcom, rehabilitację osób poszkodowanych, zabezpieczenie zdrowia publicznego, dobrostan rodzin, zapewnienie potrzeb mieszkaniowych, opiekę nad dziećmi, edukację, sprawną administracja, odpowiedzialność za zbrodnie wojenne, dostosowanie wymiaru sprawiedliwości do skrajnych wyzwań, ochronę dziedzictwa kulturowego, dostarczanie kluczowych usług, odbudowę gospodarki, umocnienie sektora IT, partnerstwa samorządów, podtrzymanie relacji handlowych, bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe i energetyczne i wiele innych.

Szczyt W4UA 2023 w liczbach




paneli dyskusyjnych, prezentacji i warsztatów

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